Highest level of data security
Providing data-recovery services requires us to take custody of our customers’ valuable data for a certain period of time. Advanced Design has the proper facilities necessary to manage and store our customers’ data, which, combined with our strict internal systems to maintain quality and prevent information leaks, means you can feel completely confident about leaving data in our care.
Internationally certified quality and security: ISO 9001 (QMS), ISO 27001 (ISMS)

Reliable ISO-certified service
In order to communicate our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of internal control, Advanced Design has acquired certification by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
Advanced Design was the first data-recovery provider in Japan to receive ISO 9001:2008 (quality management systems) certification. Because we handle a large amount of personal and corporate information, rather than the privacy mark, which pertains only to personal information, we applied for ISO 27001:2005 (information security management systems) certification covering all information-related assets. This was granted on April 15, 2011.
Since our founding in 1995, Advanced Design has implemented strict procedures to safeguard our customers’ data, but we believe that certification by an independent organization such as ISO is the best way to convey to our customers that our security management complies with international standards. We constantly strive to improve and upgrade our security systems as an integral element in providing high-quality data-recovery services.

ISO 9001:2008
Advanced Design received ISO 9001 certification in August 2003. Since our founding in 1995, we have focused on developing and improving our systems and procedures for ensuring the proper handling of our customers’ valuable data and will continue to do so to maintain the highest level of service.

ISO 27001:2005
Advanced Design received ISO 27001:2005 certification for information security management systems on April 15, 2011. Since our founding in 1995, Advanced Design has implemented strict procedures to safeguard our customers’ data, but we believe that certification by an independent organization such as ISO is the best way to convey to our customers that our security management complies with international standards. We constantly strive to improve and upgrade our security systems as an integral element in providing high-quality data-recovery services.
Cloning and data erasure

Safeguarding our customers’ media and preventing data leaks
Our policy is to make a clone of the customer’s failed hard drive and to use that in performing the free diagnosis. The media you entrust to us is irreplaceable, as is the valuable data that it contains.
Diagnosis necessitates having the technology to secure the data-recovery environment. Advanced Design’s many years of experience and knowhow plus the fact that we produce data duplication products serve as a guarantee that your data assets will be fully preserved during the diagnosis process.
If you ask us to destroy the media after data recovery, there is no risk of data leaks, as Advanced Design uses the highest level of data-erasure technology compliant with international standards.
Full security

Media stored in large fire-proof, quake-proof safe
After your memory device or storage media arrives at Advanced Design, it is kept at all times in a large fire-proof, quake-proof safe similar to that used by banks, except during data-recovery operations. All recovered data is stored in a strictly controlled memory device until it is safely returned to you. Ensuring the highest level of security is one of our top priorities.
Disaster preparedness

Private generator to deal with sudden power failures
Our mission is to restore our customers’ data as quickly as possible. To do this, we must work around the clock free of any impact from external events. This includes natural disasters capable of causing power failures.
This private generator is capable of supplying sufficient electricity to power the facilities and equipment we need to perform data-recovery operations. If there is a power failure, this generator automatically takes over, enabling us to continue data-recovery operations.
Our priority is on delivering our customers’ valuable data as quickly as possible and that means having the proper in-house facilities to deal with emergencies.